Gerry Ryan

Red-headed vulture nesting habitat in Cambodian dry tropical forest I’m a researcher using modelling methods to support decision making in public health and conservation science.

Currently my major project is the Vector Atlas. My work encompasses a variety of fields including species distribution and population dynamics, risk assessment, infectious and vector-borne diseases, behaviour, effectiveness evaluation, Bayesian hierarchical modelling, social research, wildlife monitoring, demography, and basic ecology.

I work in the Infectious Disease Ecology and Modelling team the Telethon Kids Institute, while sitting with the Infectious Disease Dynamics Unit at the Melbourne School of Global and Population Health, and the Quantitative and Applied Ecology Group in the School of Ecosystem and Forest Sciences at the University of Melbourne, and I serve on conservation working groups for Mekong dolphins and Cambodian vultures, and am a member of the IUCN/Species Survival Commission Cetacean Specialist Group.

You can contact me at .

My publications are available to view on this website, and my google scholar profile is here.

ORCID 0000-0003-0183-7630