
Most articles are free to read, but contact me for pdfs:


Ryan, G.E., Nicholson, E., Baker, C.M., and McCarthy, M. A. (2024). The costs and benefits of publicising species discoveries. EcoEvoRxiv 10.32942/X2Q02W

Le, T.P., Conway, E., Akpan, E., Abell, I., Abraham, P., Baker, C.M., Campbell, P.T., Cromer, D., Lydeamore, M.J., McDonough, Y., Mueller, I., Ryan, G., Walker, C., Wang, Y., Carvalho, N., and McVernon, J. (2023). Cost-effective boosting allocations in the post-Omicron era of COVID-19 management. medRxiv 2023.11.14.23298536.

Peer-reviewed articles

20. Shearer, F.M., McCaw, J.M., Ryan, G.E., Hao, T., Tierney, N., Lydeamore, M., Ellis, S., Ward, K., Wood, J., McVernon, J. and Golding, N., (2024). Estimating the impact of test-trace-isolate-quarantine systems on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Australia. Epidemics 47(2024): 100764

19. Ryan, G.E., Shearer, F.M., McCaw, J.M., McVernon, J. and Golding, N., (2024). Estimating measures to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Australia to guide a ‘National Plan’ to reopening. Epidemics 47(2024): 100763

18. Zachreson, C., Tobin, R., Szanyi, J., Walker, C., Cromer, D., Shearer, F.M., Conway, E., Ryan, G., Cheng, A., McCaw, J.M. and Geard, N., (2023). Individual variation in vaccine immune response can produce bimodal distributions of protection. Vaccine 41(45): 6630–6636.

17. Conway, E., Walker, C.R., Baker, C., Lydeamore, M.J., Ryan, G.E., Campbell, T., Miller, J.C., Rebuli, N., Yeung, M., Kabashima, G., Geard, N., Wood, J., McCaw, J.M., McVernon, J., Golding, N., Price, D.J, & Shearer, F.M. (2023). COVID-19 vaccine coverage targets to inform reopening plans in a low incidence setting. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2005): 20231437.

16. Golding, N., Price, D.J., Ryan, G., McVernon, J., McCaw, J.M. and Shearer, F.M., (2023). A modelling approach to estimate the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 during periods of high, low, and zero case incidence. eLife, 12: e78089.

15. Borzée, A., McNeely, J., Magellan, K., Miller, J.R., Porter, L., Dutta, T., Kadinjappalli, K.P., Sharma, S., Shahabuddin, G., Aprilinayati, F., Ryan, G.E and others (2020). COVID-19 Highlights the Need for More Effective Wildlife Trade Legislation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35: 1052–1055 pdf

14. Brownell RL Jr, Reeves RR, Read AJ, Smith BD, Thomas PO, Ralls K, Amano M, Berggren P, Chit AM, Collins T, Currey R, Dolar L, Genov T, Hobbs R, Kreb D, Marsh H, Zhigang M, Perrin WF, Phay S, Rojas-Bracho L, Ryan GE, Shelden KEW, Slooten E, Taylor BL, Vidal O, Ding W, Whitty TS, & Wang JY (2019). Bycatch in gillnet fisheries threatens Critically Endangered small cetaceans and other aquatic megafauna. Endangered Species Research 40: 285–296

13. Thomas, PO, Gulland, FMD, Reeves, RR, Kreb, D, Ding, W, Smith, B, Malik, MI, Ryan, GE, & Phay, S (2019). A review of electrofishing as a potential threat to freshwater cetaceans. Endangered Species Research 39: 207–220

12. Ryan, GE, Nicholson, E, Eames, JC, Gray, TNE, Loveridge, R, Mahood, SP, Sum P, & McCarthy, MA (2019). Simultaneous‐count models to estimate abundance from counts of unmarked individuals with imperfect detection. Conservation Biology 33(3): 697–708

11. Ryan, GE, & Baker, CM (2019). Corrigendum to “A general method for assessing the risks and benefits of secrecy in conserving ’Lazarus species” [Biol. Cons. 203, 186–187]. Biological Conservation 230: 47

10. Loveridge, R, Ryan, GE, Sum P, Grey-Read, O, Mahood, SP, Mould, A, Harrison, S, Crouthers, R, Ko, S., Clements, T, Eames, JC, & Pruvot, M. (2018). Poisoning causing the decline in South-East Asia’s largest vulture population. Bird Conservation International 29(1): 41–54

9. Krutzen, M, Beasley I, Ackermann, CY, Lieckfeldt, D, Ludwig, A, Ryan, GE, Bejder, L, Parra, GJ, Wolfensberger, R, & Spencer, PBS (2018). Demographic collapse and low genetic diversity of the Irrawaddy dolphin population inhabiting the Mekong River. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0189200

8. Brownell, RL, Reeves, RR, Thomas, PO, Smith, BD, & Ryan, GE (2017). Dams threaten rare Mekong dolphins. Science 355(6327): 805

7. Mustika, PLK, Welters, R, Ryan, GE, D’Lima, C, Sorongon-Yap, P, Jutapruet S, & Peter, C (2017). A rapid assessment of wildlife tourism risk posed to cetaceans in Asia. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 25(8): 1138–115

6. Ryan, GE, & Baker, CM (2016). A general method for assessing the risks and benefits of secrecy in conserving ‘Lazarus species’. Biological Conservation 203: 186–187. See also Corrigendum, Ryan & Baker (2019)

5. Singh, R. Phan C, Prum S, Pin C, Ryan, G, & Wright, M (2013). The Serengeti of Asia: current status of the Eastern Plains Landscape protected area complex, Cambodia. PARKS 19(2): 23-32

4. Ryan, GE (2012). Brahminy kites Haliastur indus fishing with Irrawaddy dolphins Orcaella brevirostris in the Mekong River. Forktail 28: 161-162

3. Sok K, Claassen, AH, Wright, HL, & Ryan, GE (2012). Waterbird nest protection on the Mekong River: a preliminary evaluation, with notes on the recovery and release of white-shouldered ibis Pseudibis davisoni chicks. Cambodian Journal of Natural History 2012(1): 29-41

2. McCarthy, MA, Garrard, GE, Moore, AL, Parris, KM, Regan, TJ, & Ryan, GE (2011). The SAFE index should not be used for prioritization. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9(9): 486–487

1. Ryan, GE, Dove, V, Trujillo, F, & Doherty, PF (2011). Irrawaddy dolphin demography in the Mekong River: an application of mark-resight models. Ecosphere 2(5): art58

Grey Literature

Select grey literature.

Series of weekly COVID-19 epidemic situational assessment reports submitted to the Australian Government Department of Health Office of Health Protection from April 2020 to December 2023.

McCaw, JM, R Moss, DJ Price, FM Shearer, R Tobin, N Golding, T Hao, G Ryan, A Adekunle, P Dawson, M Teo, D Morris, JV Ross, T South, R Hyndman, M Lydeamore, M O’Hara-Wild, and J Wood (2022). Situational assessment of COVID-19 in Australia Technical Report 22 May 2022 (released 12 August 2022)

Doherty Modelling – Final Report to National Cabinet. 5th November 2021. (2021)

Nick Golding, Freya M. Shearer, Robert Moss, Peter Dawson, Dennis Liu, Joshua V. Ross, Rob Hyndman, Pablo Montero-Manso, Gerry Ryan, Tobin South, Jodie McVernon, David J. Price, and James M. McCaw, (2021). Situational assessment of COVID-19 in Australia Technical Report 15 March 2021 (released 28 May 2021)

Ryan, GE (2021). Birds in the sky, fish in the sea, money in the bank: quantitative methods for more effective conservation. Thesis submitted in total fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Melbourne. URI:

Casey Visintin, Natalie Briscoe, Michael Kearney, Gerry Ryan, Craig Nitschke & Brendan Wintle (2021). Mapping distributions, threats and opportunities to conserve the greater glider by integrating biophysical and spatially-explicit population models. NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub Project 4.4.8 report, Brisbane

Beasley, IL, & Ryan, GE (2017). Assessing the impacts on Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphins from the Sambor hydropower alternatives. Chapter 9, Volume 2: Sambor Dam Alternatives, Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment: Final Report. Executive Summary. Technical Report.

Ryan, GE, Mustika PL, & Welters, R (2016). Tourism puts dolphins at risk in Southeast Asia – here’s what to look for on your next holiday. The Conversation

Ryan, GE (2014). The Don Sahong Dam and the Mekong Dolphin. World Wide Fund for Nature, Gland, Switzerland

Cowling, V, & Ryan, G (2014). Can trans-boundary management save the dolphins in Lao PDR? Catch & Culture: Fisheries Research and Development in the Mekong Region 19:2 4–5

Ryan, GE (2013). Rhino horn and tiger blood: conservation in the Mekong. The Conversation

Ryan, GE (2013). Is the extirpation of Irrawaddy dolphins Orcaella brevirostris in Laos imminent: an assessment of status and recommendations for conservation. SC/65a/SM05. Presented to the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, June 2013

Ryan, GE (2012). Last chance for dolphins in Laos: A review of the history, threats, and status. A Technical Report from WWF-Greater Mekong Programme, Hanoi, Vietnam

Rodgers, M, Nash, E, Blate, G, Congdon, G, & Ryan, GE (2012). Resilience on the Mekong: A vulnerability and adaptation assessment in North-East Cambodia. WWF-Cambodia Technical Report, WWF-Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Ryan, G, Nicholson, E, & McCarthy, M (2024). Data and questionnaire for “The costs and benefits of publicising species discoveries”. The University of Melbourne. Dataset. Figshare DOI 10.26188/11357126

Archived code

Ryan, G. (2024). geryan/publicising_species_discoveries. Zenodo.

Ryan GE, & Golding, N. (2022). geryan/nat_plan_figs: Citable version for national plan paper (Version v1). Zenodo.

Ryan, G. (2018). geryan/simultaneous_count_models: Archiving release of SCM code (Version 1). Zenodo.

Published pre-prints

Shearer, F.M., McCaw, J.M., Ryan, G.E., Hao, T., Tierney, N., Lydeamore, M., Ellis, S., Ward, K., Wood, J., McVernon, J. and Golding, N., (2023). Estimating the impact of test-trace-isolate-quarantine systems on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in Australia. medRxiv 2023.01.10.23284209 Now Shearer et al. 2024 Epidemics 47(2024): 100764

Ryan, G.E., Shearer, F.M., McCaw, J.M., McVernon, J. and Golding, N., (2022). Estimating measures to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Australia to guide a ‘National Plan’ to reopening. medRxiv 12.15.22282869 Now Ryan et al. 2024 Epidemics 47(2024): 100763

Conway, E., Walker, C.R., Baker, C., Lydeamore, M.J., Ryan, G.E., Campbell, T., Miller, J.C., Yeung, M., Kabashima, G., Wood, J., Rebuli, N., McCaw, J.M., McVernon, J., Golding, N., Price, D.J, & Shearer, F.M. (2022) COVID-19 vaccine coverage targets to inform reopening plans in a low incidence setting medRxiv 2022.12.04.22282996 Now Conway et al.2024 Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 290(2005): 20231437

Golding, N., Price, D.J., Ryan, G., McVernon, J., McCaw, J.M. and Shearer, F.M. (2021) Estimating the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 during periods of high, low and zero case incidence medRxiv 2021.11.28.21264509 Now Golding et al. 2023 eLife 12:e78089